Bsp chief mayawati on friday played the maximum backward caste card ahead of 6th section polling and accused the bjp of ending the rule of vice president singh government that carried out the mandal commission document envisaging reservation for the opposite backward class.
Addressing a rally in mirzapur, bsp chief accused the bjp of being towards mbc, which constitute a widespread portion of obcs. Mayawati stated her party had given the assist to the then vp singh government on a circumstance that it'd enforce the mandal commission file.
"nowadays, the pm is indulging in imaginary talks that even his celebration men could not trust. The people have already made up their mind to go with bsp," she stated at an election rally in jaunpur.
Addressing a rally in mirzapur, bsp chief accused the bjp of being towards mbc, which constitute a widespread portion of obcs. Mayawati stated her party had given the assist to the then vp singh government on a circumstance that it'd enforce the mandal commission file.
She stated whilst singh implemented the commission file it became no longer favored with the aid of the bjp.At every other rally in jaunpur, she termed high minister narendra modi's declaration that there has been a 'robust undercurrent' in favour of bjp as 'din mein tare dekhne ke samaan' (having a pipe dream) and claimed folks who confronted hardships after 'be aware bandi' had made up their mind to educate bjp a lesson.
"nowadays, the pm is indulging in imaginary talks that even his celebration men could not trust. The people have already made up their mind to go with bsp," she stated at an election rally in jaunpur.
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